
Random thoughts... Happy Thoughts... Sad thoughts... Anything goes!!!

Friday, June 30, 2006


There’s going to be some changes in our department since one of our oldies is resigning. Well she definitely does not look like an oldie but she is one of the girls that has been with us for a long time (and she definitely would kill me if she ever got hold of this post and learn that I called her an oldie!!!). She is well loved too (not just in our department but in other departments) and the usual confidante of the girls here... okay some of the boys too (hehehe.. actually some are too old to be called boys).

Of course we wish her the best on her new job but we certainly would miss her, after all she’s family.

I was just thinking of the events that led to her resignation…

She got promoted and she was happy, the promotion was a blessing…

The payroll people congratulated her BUT also asked her (with a certain tone in their voice) why she was promoted only now when another who is very fairly new was also promoted… ahh their sarcastic tone made her think… and you know how it is when you start having an internal dialogue… you play the thought in your mind over and over again and you get affected more and more… so now the promotion was no longer a blessing but has become something negative…

She cried and told her husband and other family what she felt and has decided to resign… definitely something negative…

Her sis-in-law heard of her resignation and told her of a vacancy in her company and so she went and immediately got the job which pays a lot better than what she’s having! Ahh so it has become a blessing again, her sis-in-law would never have asked her if she did not know of her intent to resign…

Monday she starts with her new company… what happens next with her, we don’t really know but we could always hope for the best… and what happens to our department, now that she’s gone… well we would survive but things would not be the same anymore…

I once got an email on people telling a man that events in his life is a blessing or a curse but he would say you can’t really say…

I think all events in life are blessings… even problems are, for they are actually opportunity in workman’s clothes as someone put it. Even negative emotions are sometimes necessary since it pushes you to do something you would not normally do (of course it is another thing if you drown it)… So changes are always good if you take them as an opportunity and an adventure…

To end this post, i thought i'd post one of our photos... This one is for Jane. We wish her the best and thank her for being part of our audit family!

May you do well in your next battle... i mean journey!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, all events in our lives, bad or good, are blessings. At first glance we do not seem to see it but later in life, you would only say thanks coz it made you a better person.

Good luck to her and to you.

5:07 AM  
Blogger elizabeth said...

thanks Rolly! Am sure Jane would do well, she's a good employee and a good person.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Yes, as my brother would say, "there's a reason for everything, or things happen for a reason."

I'm sure she'll do all right in her new job.


3:58 PM  

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